Psychology of Sales Persuasion without Selling Your Soul

Hosted by: Alistair McBride


Live Expert Panel:
Psychology of Sales Persuasion without Selling Your Soul

Join three global experts as they discuss how to ethically lead the right people to the conclusion to become your client.

Online webinar


  • USA: Thurs Sept 24th @ 4pm (NYC)
  • UK: Thurs Sept 24th @ 9pm (London)
  • Australia: Fri Sept 25th @ 6am (Sydney)

During This Live Expert Panel, You’ll Discover:

Mistakes to Avoid

Their biggest sales and marketing mistakes and expensive failures

Three Keys to Conversion

3 keys to increase conversion while being true to your authentic values

Sales vs BS

Why the difference between effective sales and marketing and BS is simply a lack of a creative value based approach

Expert Panel

Christine Schlonski

Christine Schlonski is The Queen of the Sales-Success-Mindset. She is a multi-talented leader in the field of Sales-Success-Mindset, Motivation, and Strategies. She works with heart-centered entrepreneurs who love what they do but dislike selling. She shows you how to make sales with ease, grace, confidence and ask your price.

Tom Poland

Tom is the multiple best-selling author of the Leadsology® series. He started his first business at age 24 and has gone on to start and sell four others, taking two of them international. In that time he’s managed teams of over 100 people and annual revenue of more than 20 million. He’s also shared international speaking platforms with the likes of Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame, Richard Koch from the 80-20 Principle, Brian Tracy and many others.

Peter Sandeen

Peter is the marketer’s marketer. When marketers get stuck, need to pivot or refine their marketing, they go to Peter. His expertise and insights in value proposition and marketing message development are unparalleled.

Hosted by Alistair McBride


Creator of the Goliath Negotiation Method that uncovers hidden profit in every deal

Alistair is a coach, facilitator and trainer for over 10 years who has started numerous small businesses since he was 21. He’s a regular guest lecturer and facilitator at multiple universities in Ireland on topics such as Cognitive Behavioural Coaching, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation.

He coaches executives and business owners across an array of industries, including software, law, aviation, telecoms, and corporate finance to name a few.

Over the past few years he’s been giving his clients the Psychological Edge in Negotiation and helping them perform under pressure

Live Expert Panel:
Psychology of Sales Persuasion without Selling Your Soul


  • USA: Thurs Sept 24th @ 4pm (NYC)
  • UK: Thurs Sept 24th @ 9pm (London)
  • Australia: Fri Sept 25th @ 6am (Sydney)