Step Away From the LinkedIn Noise: Better Business Relationships with Karen Yankovich #061
Show Notes:
Karen Yankovich is known as the LinkedIn goto. Host of the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast, and quoted in Huffington Post, Social Media Today and other publications, she talks with authority about the importance of women creating a magnetic and profitable LinkedIn strategy.
What makes Karen different from all the other experts is that she helps women step away from all the noise and gets right to the point, using LinkedIn for upleveled business relationships.
Topics explored:
- Building a relationship from top down vs the bottom up
- Positioning yourself as if you’re peers with the most influential people in their industry
- Ask what is the goal in building your business relationships
- Most people are not thinking of relationships with journalists
- From the top down to avoid gatekeeper issues
- Not understanding everyone is asking, ‘what’s in it for me?’
- Take connections from other places, email list, instagram, and connect with them on linkedin
- Short 15 minute calls to start with
- It’s coming from a genuine place of wanting to know more about you
- Can linkedin really be a money tree?
- If all you’re getting in your inbox is spam, you’re being reactive not proactive on linkedin
Al McBride 0:00
Welcome to the dealing with Goliath podcast. The mission of dealing with Goliath is to sharpen the psychological edge negotiation, ethical influencing and high impact conversations for business leaders who want to be more effective under pressure, uncover hidden value, and build greater connection all while increasing profitability. With expert guests across the business spectrum, we deliver Gems of Wisdom delving into their methods, their thinking and approach to business life and problem solving.
This is the short form espresso shot of insight podcast interview to boost business performance using our five questions in 15 minutes format. So my guest today is Karen Yankovich. Karen is known as the linked in go to host of The Good girls get rich podcast loves. I love that idea. Absolutely brilliant. And quoted in Huffington Post, social media today and many other publications. She talks with a 30 about the importance of women creating a magnetic and profitable LinkedIn strategy. What makes Karen different from all of the other experts is that she helps women step away from all the noise and get right to the point using LinkedIn for up leveled business relationships. Karen, welcome to the show.
Karen Yankovich 1:21
I am so happy to be here with you today. Thanks for having me. Well, it’s
Al McBride 1:24
a pleasure to have you on there’s so many things that I’d love to discuss with you. So first of all, where are you joining us from today?
Karen Yankovich 1:30
Yep, so I’m in northern New Jersey right outside of New York City.
Al McBride 1:34
Excellent. Excellent, wonderful. I haven’t actually been to New Jersey, but I have been to New York and over time, so I’m very new know that the neighborhood. Wonderful place one of the Garden State excellent stuff.
Karen Yankovich 1:45
New Jersey is the best you can be within a half an hour, you can be in New York City, Philadelphia, the beach, the Appalachian Trail, the mountain wow. Oh, New Jersey. It’s
Al McBride 1:55
all outstanding. It sounded. So that’s fun. As a from the little intro there, it’s a lot of points that I’d love to love to ask you about. So let’s just start with who is your ideal client? And what is the biggest challenge that they face?
Karen Yankovich 2:10
Yeah, so primarily, I work with women. But to be honest, I don’t really care what your body parts are or how you identify, I just think women need to do a better job of really stepping into their genius into their greatness and shining a light on it. So I help, again, primarily women, create a strong personal brand, and then build relationships from that standpoint, right?
Building relationships from the top down instead of the bottom up with the, you know, positioning themselves if they’re peers, with the most influential people in their industry. And, you know, it’s something we have complete control over. But often we just don’t take this do this one piece. So my mission in life, is to help more people understand that their digital footprint is so important. And this is one place we can control it.
Al McBride 2:59
Sounds fascinating, can it? Can you just clarify on that? That’s an understanding of a top down versus bottom up?
Karen Yankovich 3:05
Yeah, yeah. So, you know, if you’re looking to I mean, for example, let’s use let’s use put media, like most people are not can thinking about building relationships with the journalists in their industry. So certainly, you can, you know, try to get to the person that answers the phone, but I want you to build a relationship with the publisher, right? Like, if you have a great LinkedIn profile that positions you as if you’re peers, with these people, then you can, you can reach out from the top down.
And if the publisher is interested in what you say, then they’ll say, hey, you know what, I love this idea of reach out to Mary reach out to Joe. And you know, let’s see if we can make this happen. Now, when you reach out to Mary, you’re saying, hey, Mary, your boss sent me right, as opposed to trying to get past the gatekeeper with his, which is what we think we have to still do, right? But we don’t have to do that anymore.
We can really kind of go straight to the people we really want to build relationships with. I mean, you can use these platforms, you know, not just LinkedIn, but Twitter and other platforms. You can tweet Oprah, right? Like we’re How do you do that? And other places, right? So we have the, these are tools we now have, we just have to have the confidence to build relationships on that level. And that’s a big part of what I do.
Al McBride 4:14
That’s an amazingly great point is is that it comes completely in the context is totally different, isn’t it? When you’re getting in touch with them code versus as you said, your boss or your board of directors or whoever to get in touch, it’s a very different started have a conversation or a very different request. I love that it’s fabulous stuff. So with your ideal client, what are some of the common mistakes that people make when they’re trying to solve some of those challenges when they’re trying to overcome some of those challenges?
Karen Yankovich 4:45
Well, often often afraid to talking about what they do their products or services I you know, I have a red one. I have a blue one. We don’t care if it’s red or blue, right? We care what it changes in our world. So the one of the biggest mistakes is, is is not understanding what’s in it for me, right? Because that’s all I really care about, even on LinkedIn, which is the primarily the platform that I’m working with people on, nobody cares about you, that cares about what they care about what you can do for them.
Right? So, so primarily the, the biggest mistake is that, you know, we want we’re so we’re so eager and good at talking about our products or services, I have this great yoga class, and it’s every Tuesday because Tuesdays are a great time for people like I want to know, like, go to yoga class, am I gonna be able to sit on the floor with my kids, right? Not Tuesday’s a great time. So, so really reap re looking at how you build relationships, and focusing on what’s in it for them. And, and be more client facing with all of the communications that you have, as you’re as you’re building these relationships.
Al McBride 5:48
I love it. I love it. It’s something again, there’s so much parallels here, because I’m always talking about trying to get into the mindset, you know, the headspace or the perspective of whoever it is we’re reaching out with? Because that way they feel just like you’re saying they feel like oh, this is irrelevant to me, like straight out. Okay, that is that’s an important reason why that word sounds really interesting, actually. Rather than as you say, Oh, it’s on Tuesday, or it’s blue or green. It’s like, features, we don’t care. Yeah. Well, they might care, but not until they know.
Karen Yankovich 6:19
First, we have to first we have to be like, You know what, what is keeping me awake at night? And what is how is this impacting that? Right? That’s, that’s exactly I will say that. That’s, I would say the biggest mistake that people make. But the other thing too, I think the big the Another big mistake I think my ideal clients make is they spend too much time thinking about, like, their marketing and their content.
And how many eyes am I gonna get on my posts? And how do I how often do I post? And how do I do like video or audio or not enough time putting people on their calendar? You know, I have no problem. I’m, of course, it’s a big part of marketing is what are you posted? How often do you post all that happens after you’ve done the outreach to the people that can change your business in your life? Right, first, let’s do the outreach. And then we can focus on how do we stay top of mind with the people we’re doing outreach to?
Al McBride 7:11
That’s a really interesting point. I was talking to someone else about this recently. And they were they were speculating that all of these mechanisms, whether it’s Twitter, email outreach, or whatever, LinkedIn, that a lot of the actually people are engaging, because it’s, it’s less uncomfortable than having some of those slightly awkward, slightly challenging conversations, like real humans talking, who knew?
Karen Yankovich 7:37
Exactly, exactly, I had a, I spoke with a client this morning. And she is just getting started with LinkedIn, and her profile makes her look great. And she’s got 13 connections. I was like, We got to get you we gotta like, You got to start connecting, you know? So she’s an Instagram influencer. I said, so start going to Instagram and and see how you’re connected to and come on over to LinkedIn and see if they have a LinkedIn profile, and say, hey, you know what, we’ve been connected on Instagram, I love your content.
We’ve had some conversations there. I’m really leaning into why would I want to get to know the people I’m connected to better now. So I want to I’d love to connect with you here. So I can see more about you? And what’s the woman behind your business or the man behind the business? Right, so So those are the kinds of things that that I was helping her do because she’s really good at content, right? That’s great info Instagram influence, but we but no calls on her calendar, you know, like so.
So and then as you’re doing this, putting some of these people in your calendar, and the conversations aren’t, here’s what I do, give me your credit card there. Here’s what I do, who do you know, right? Who do you know, and, and that’s how we start to build a network. And our networks are really where the where the money is made being made at this point in our in the world we live in.
Al McBride 8:49
And just to clarify on that point, when you’re having those meetings, I say, putting those meetings on the calendar, you know, as you said, You’re not coming off going, here’s what I can do buy stuff. But what is it you’re hoping to achieve in that in that building of the relationship?
Karen Yankovich 9:08
You know, some way you know, this is and this is where it’s tricky. Sometimes we don’t know. Right? We have to have a conversation to find out and it takes some confidence to have those conversations. You know, I’m not in this to make new friends. So it’s not I mean, it’s great if you make new friends, but the goal is to build your business. So you know, you just never know and you never know when someone’s gonna say let me let’s I want to introduce you to my friend Mary because Mary really needs us now Mary’s getting that warm intro to you.
So building relationships from that standpoint is so much of it first of all, it’s it builds more ease into your business, it’s not as much you know, cold calls to the wrong people and then just filling your calendar with with all kinds of you know, busy work, and you know, you want to be a little you want to be do some research and you only want to have these calls with certain people and I’m a big fan of making them short 15 minutes. If it’s a great conversation book some more time, that’s amazing. But if it’s not, you’re not going, oh my gosh, how do I get off the phone with this person, I have four minutes, right. So make it short.
If there’s a real connection, then book a follow up, call meet for coffee, do whatever, you know, but but we remember the people we speak to, even if it’s a zoom call way more than we remember just a, you know, a text conversation or DM conversation. So don’t be afraid to move these relationships to an actual conversation. And you never know what’s gonna happen. And you know what, maybe you just have a conversation. It’s like, Alright, great. I now know I know what you do, I’ll think about you if I have any opportunities.
But maybe they also said like, they were taking their kid to Disney World, tomorrow, next week, or whatever, maybe you make a follow up on your calendar to reach out to them in two months and say, hey, you know, hey, Joe, how was Disney World, I was thinking about you the other day, because I saw thing on Mickey Mouse, just to rekindle that. Because, again, it’s about building actual relationships.
You know, we’re not doing this to sell pens, we’re doing this to get a distributor that wants to buy 100,000 of our pens, right? So you need to think about our biggest opportunities, and just build actual relationships without knowing exactly where it’s gonna go. But be as generous as you are, you know, looking for support is
Al McBride 11:17
love. I love the focus on generosity and, and going just beyond the conversation, you know, some of the great stories in negotiation when people are kind of getting along quite well. They’re kind of hammering out a deal. And it’s amazing the amount of rapport and trust built when someone says, Oh, I’m going to Rome next week. Are you going to hold it? Oh, can I write you? Have you been? No, I haven’t, you know, can you recommend? Oh, yeah, you give us a few advice. Thanks very much. That’s it? That’s good.
Karen Yankovich 11:45
Did you have days while you were there, right.
Al McBride 11:50
Exactly, exactly. It’s that’s real. That’s actually human connection to humans come conversing. And as you said, loving that slightly. It’s gonna say dangerous, it’s not dangerous, but slightly, you know, not quite sure where it’s going. It’s not complete, objective, clear, precise goal each time. Again, something lovely, human, they’re absolutely. So what might be I know, it’s so difficult, what might be one free action that the audience can implement, that will help them at least move in the right direction. And you given us a few hints already.
Karen Yankovich 12:26
So so many people are and we as they should be building their email lists, right, you’re building your email list, and you know, you’ve got a lead magnet, and you know, you’re building and you’re sending out a newsletter, once a week, or once a month, or whatever, I would love to see you actually, maybe once a month, go into your email list, and then go to LinkedIn and connect with them.
And say, You know what, Mark, thank you so much for allowing me into your inbox every month, I genuinely mean it, when I say I want to build relationships with the people that are in my world. And I want to connect with here too, because now, this is how I can learn a little bit more about you, Mark, these are people that are interested in what you are doing, they’re on your email list, right? These are warm leads. So why not take that extra step every every month or every couple of weeks, and connect with them in other places.
So that and again, it’s coming from a genuine place, I want to know more about you. You know, and you know a lot about me to get my emails every week. Now I want to learn a little bit more about you. And it’s just a great way again, to build those higher ticket opportunities. And these are people we already know are interested in what we’re doing. Right. So kind of a, it’s kind of a fun way to just leverage, you know, going deeper, not wider.
Al McBride 13:40
Absolutely. It’s so clever, because as you said they’ve already opted in. They’ve already given you a little vote of you’re interesting for me. Yeah,
Karen Yankovich 13:48
yeah. And you have to do a little bit of like, you have to a little bit of prep work. Like when I first started doing this, I realized I need to ask for last names. When I asked when I do things, because sometimes it’s you know, Joe, and his email is Joe 40 two@gmail.com. You’re never going to find them on LinkedIn. Right? So you’re not going to find everyone. And often what I would recommend you do too, is just go to the people that are opening your emails, if your email service provider can give you that information. That’s due to everyone just look to see who opened the last couple emails and go on over to LinkedIn and,
you know, kinda got a conversation, a backdoor connection, right?
Al McBride 14:22
Yeah, that’s a it’s an Outstanding, outstanding idea. Brilliant, brilliant stuff. So tell us Karen, what is one free valuable resource that you could direct people to that will help them? Yeah,
Karen Yankovich 14:37
so you know what, I am kind of getting tired of talking to people about their LinkedIn profiles. I feel like post pandemic, if that’s the world we’re living in. Now. We have to know we need to have a great online presence, we need to know we have a great LinkedIn profile. So we’ve created LinkedIn profile training.com If you go to LinkedIn profile training.com There’s all kinds of information there so that you are I want to talk to you about strategy. So I’m going to give you everything I can give you. So that you can have your profiles on so that we can jump into strategy and actually get you to making some money. So if your profile, if you think in your profile needs some help, go to LinkedIn profile training.com. And there’s some resources there for you to take advantage of.
Al McBride 15:18
And I love that it’s so generous to say, you know, because that’s exactly what we’re talking about here, isn’t it? It’s like, get here, the fundamentals like that, just go through that in your own, you’ll blast through and then talk to Karen, it makes perfect sense. It makes perfect sense. I love it. So Karen, what’s one question I should have asked you, that will be of great value to our audience.
Karen Yankovich 15:41
So so the one question that you didn’t ask, but that most people ask me is, what do I do about all the spam I get on LinkedIn, every time I open up LinkedIn, my inbox is just full of people pitching me and, you know, I don’t even know these people. And you know, I truly believe that LinkedIn is our money tree. It is where we build relationships with the people that can change our business on our wives and our bank accounts.
And if you let the weeds take over, then then you’re losing, you’re missing the opportunity of all those $100,000 bills hanging on the money tree, right? So ignore it. And and often I what I will say to people, especially if I know them well enough, I’ll say, how many was the last message you sent on LinkedIn, like when I’m sending messages on LinkedIn as well, then you’re just being reactive.
And if you’re just reactive, that’s all you’re gonna see, when you become proactive. My LinkedIn inbox is the most, most profitable piece of real estate I own in my business is where all the business is happening. I ignore the spam and I build relationships to you know, to get to build my business. And if you let the spammers kind of when you’re missing out on this huge opportunity that LinkedIn can be for you.
Al McBride 16:55
Such a great point, such a great point, as you said, you know, because that is one of those reticent reasons why people don’t really dive into LinkedIn. And there’s so much so much value there. Absolutely. So Karan young coverage. Thank you so much for being on the show. Can you give us just that link to the your LinkedIn course once again, because training.com, LinkedIn profile training.com outstanding stuff. And where can people presume people to reach out to you
Karen Yankovich 17:25
please let me know that you saw me here and I’m happy to connect with you. Make sure you put in the connection requests that you that you heard here and, and you know what I’m gonna give everyone an extra little bonus tip. If you love this interview, share this on LinkedIn tag out, tag me, we will share it with I will share it with my audience, right. And that’s how you get more visibility to and, and that’s how you start building relationships. From a generous point of view, right? From a you know, you’re you’re listening to this, if you got anything good out of it, it’s gonna benefit, you know, both Al and me that you’re sharing it. And we’ll be sure to share it with our audiences as well and get your name in front of them. So thank you for the opportunity out to have to be in front of your audience of thank
Al McBride 18:07
you for coming on the show car and it’s been an absolute pleasure. Thank you for all those little gems, gems of wisdom, which we talked about you superbly generous. So thank you
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Karen’s 4 Shifts to Create a 6 Figure Business Using the Powerfully Profitable Combination of LinkedIn & PR: https://www.KarenYankovich.com/Masterclass
Karen’s Podcast: Good Girls Get Rich with Karen Yankovich: https://karenyankovich.com/podcast/
Connect with Karen:
Karen on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenyankovich
Karen’s Website: https://karenyankovich.com/
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