Mindset Matters in Successful Sales with John Peck #030
Show Notes:
John Peck is the Director of Coaching into Results. He’s travelled extensively in Europe and Asia to deliver a message of transformation that breaks disempowering paradigms to shift to empowering paradigms. John is also a certified NLP Trainer and Master Practitioner as well as a Results Coach. John was mentored by Bob Proctor in 2012 and became a PGI Consultant with Bob.
John brings together mindset and spiritset that sets people free. Like Bob, he believes there are universal laws to be discovered that bring success as sure
as the sun rises and sets each day.
John’s childhood business story when John and his brother started their own live bait business at 9 years old. They found jobs on neighboring farms, mowed lawns, raked leaves and collected roadside soda bottles to save the environment . They made money and they bought their own clothes while learning about the value of work, business and money.
His interest in language also led him to complete his Masters Degree in Applied Linguistics with Stellenbosch University in South Africa.
On a personal note I’ve known John for a year now and his contributions and insights are always of great value, a man generous with his knowledge.
Topics explored:
- The top two problems getting sales teams on target
- Encouraging conscious leadership
- Procrastination & avoiding difficult conversations
- The fallacy of staying late and looking busy
- Much talk about action
- What precedes action is decision
- Why many ‘action takers’ are procrastinators
- Remember your future
- Get emotionally involved in your decisions
- The body takes action as an expression of my subconscious mind
- Why declarations and positive thinking on their own don’t work
- Not just mindset, but also spiritset
Al McBride 0:04
Welcome to the dealing with Goliath podcast the mission of dealing with Goliath is to sharpen the psychological edge. In business leaders with skin in the game who want to be more effective under pressure, uncover hidden value, and increase profitability. With expert guests across the business spectrum. We deliver gems of insight and wisdom, delving into their methods, thinking and approach business life and problem solving.
Al McBride 0:28
This is the double espresso shot episode through our short interview format, where we’re quick and concise with five questions in just nine minutes. I’m your host Al McBride. My guest today is John Peck.
Al McBride 0:43
Now john is the director of coaching into results. He’s traveled extensively in Europe and Asia to deliver a message of transformation that breaks disempowering paradigms to shift to empowering paradigms. John is also a certified NLP trainer, a master practitioner, as well as a results coach.
Al McBride 1:03
He was mentored by Bob Proctor, in 2012 became a PGA consultant with Bob. JOHN brings together mindset and spirit set that sets people free. Like Bob, he believes there’s a universal laws to be discovered that brings success ashore as the sun rises and sets each day.
Al McBride 1:23
Now, if you if you read into his bio, here’s some fabulous childhood business stories. One in particular is when john and his brother started their own live bait business at nine years old. They found jobs and neighboring farms mowed lawns, rake leaves, and collected roadside soda bottles to save the environment.
Al McBride 1:42
And they made money and bought their own clothes by learning about the value of work, business, and money. His interest in languages also led him to complete his master’s degree in applied linguistics with Stellenbosch University in South Africa.
Al McBride 2:00
Now, on a personal note, I’ve known john, for at least a year now at this stage, and his contributions and insights into our group discussions are always of huge value. And he’s very generous with his knowledge. So I’m hoping, be very generous with his knowledge today. So welcome, john, good to have you on the show.
John Peck 2:17
Great to be here. Thanks for having
Al McBride 2:19
not at all. And so where are you joining us from today?
John Peck 2:22
Today I am in Hong Kong,
Al McBride 2:24
I are here now. Hong Kong. Fantastic. We’re worlds apart. Yes, been so good to have you on the show. Look, we will dive straight in. So who’s your ideal client? And what’s the biggest challenge that they face?
John Peck 2:40
My ideal clients are business owners, who have a business between five to 10 million US revenue a year. And their challenge is basically getting their sales teams on target. And helping them to move along. basically getting clients.
Al McBride 3:04
Right. Getting the sales teams on target is a classic problem for business owners. Right? So what are the common mistakes that a lot of these these business owners make when they’re trying to solve that problem by getting the sales team up to scratch?
John Peck 3:20
Problem is is twofold. One is the business owner is not communicating with the business manager who is running the team, you know, the sales manager and not communicating with the teams.
John Peck 3:39
So it’s basically top down management where they say, Okay, here’s our goal, but they don’t take time to learn. Well, what do these people I’m employing, what do they really want? You know, what, what makes them tick? How would they improve more if I could communicate and find out what they really want.
John Peck 4:02
So basically, it’s conscious leadership where there’s communication going on with the team. So that’s one of the common mistakes that they make. They don’t, they don’t communicate. And then the second common mistake is on the team level and the team manager level, and it’s called procrastination.
Al McBride 4:23
So are they avoiding difficult, difficult conversations or what are they procrastinating from?
John Peck 4:30
It could be difficult conversations. It could be simply making that follow up call as well. That’s so easy to do, but they just don’t do it. They put it off to another day. And it could be thinking that they’re supposed to be in the office until 12. Some some salespeople actually think that to have to look busy in the office until 12 when really they should be face to face with the client. Not today today is zoom to zoom. But,
Al McBride 5:01
but even still the principals there they feel the need to be looking at busy rather than getting the results. Right. Okay, that’s that’s very interesting. But it’s, it’s very interesting to say that Yeah, there’s a lot of the communication is a big, it’s a big issue.
Al McBride 5:15
It’s not just, it’s your fault, you know, and point the finger, just do your job. It’s as you said, it’s more conscious leadership. It’s a great term, it’s a great term. So what is one valuable free action that your ideal client, your audience, this audience can implement, that will help them with that issue. So it won’t solve it, but it’ll it’ll start moving them in, even looking in the right direction.
John Peck 5:43
And when it comes, one of the insights comes from Napoleon Hill, in thinking Grow Rich, where he basically says that the opposite of procrastination is decision. Okay, making a decision. And, you know, we we hear a lot of coaches and webinars or seminars talk about taking action.
John Peck 6:10
What precedes action is decision. And generally, people don’t make decision because they’re stuck. They’re stuck in the mindset. So somebody will say, Oh, you work with action takers, and people will go Yo, I’m an action taker, but really, they’re a procrastinator. And they just think that they’re an action taker. So and they can’t take the action because they’re just stuck in this indecision, which becomes procrastination.
John Peck 6:38
Okay. And
Al McBride 6:41
why do they then think that they’re action takers, when they’re procrastinators? Is it just denial, or they just cut that part off or
John Peck 6:50
mostly because they live in the past. So they have taken some action in the past, they have had some success, right, they have made some good decisions in the past. And then they’re stuck in the present because of a disempowering paradigm or something that’s holding them down, it’s basically their auto pilot system is working against them and keeping them stuck in their, in their previous zone.
John Peck 7:17
And by spending that time in the past thinking about either a past victory or a past failure. They’re not thinking about their future. So part of making a decision. Now, this will sound strange to ears, and people have to think about it. Part of making a decision is remembering my future.
Al McBride 7:38
Love that remembering my future. Yes, exactly. What’s the difference, then when someone remembers their future, what’s that advantage it gives them of clarity, or insight,
John Peck 7:52
the clarity that gives is that as I remember my future, I can then become emotionally involved in that. Absolutely. And so I become emotionally involved in that success before it happens. Now, I don’t want to spend all my time in my past, I don’t want to spend all my time in my future.
John Peck 8:10
But I do want to bring my future into my present. Right. And I do that by getting emotionally involved in that saying, hey, this, this has already happened, I have made a decision, I am going to be off the charts by the end of the year, and I’m going to build a new home or something, or I’m going to go on vacation with my family or or so then they have made a decision that they’re going to do it.
John Peck 8:37
And now that’s committed decision. They’re emotionally involved in it. And as they continually remember their future each day, that actually begins to reprogram the subconscious mind. The body then can take action, because the body takes action as an expression of what I’m thinking my subconscious mind
Al McBride 8:59
that that’s that static stuff. It sounds similar to future authoring, you know, where you’re being very clear about that future that is compelling. And as I said, you need that. I think the other mistake that you’re highlighting there, as he, as you say, is that it needs to have that emotional component. Otherwise, it’s just a nice idea. But there’s no real engine beneath that there’s no real charge.
John Peck 9:24
Very Exactly. Exactly. So that’s why positive thinking by itself doesn’t work. No, and, and, you know, declarations by themselves don’t work. affirmations by themselves don’t work. It just they just become empty words without that component of creating future memories and getting emotionally involved in them.
Al McBride 9:48
I suspect they’re worse as well because people lose trust with themselves because they keep breaking their own promises. Yeah, so it creates a very negative loop there. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, you got it. It, what is one valuable free resource that you might be able to direct people to that will help them with this issue.
John Peck 10:08
Um, I have what I call your mindset matters 2020. And, you know, your mindset still matters in 2020, because you want to go out with a bang and not a whimper. And so you can still have, you still have time to bring your mindset together. And so that’s on my website, and you can put the link on your, on your page, and
Al McBride 10:33
beneath all the everything, whether on YouTube or on the podcast, yeah, don’t worry about that,
John Peck 10:38
like comes with a workbook and in a video, and it’s about 45 minutes. So it’s really, really interesting to go through it, it has some of these components in it,
Al McBride 10:49
that has a lot of depth. I have to thank you for that was that, you know, a lot of a lot of people’s freebies are great. You know, I don’t really have anyone on who who’s, you know, the free resources is poor in any way.
Al McBride 11:03
But but that, you know, is is a huge amount. It’s a very big gift to give away. So thank you for that. Right, I will take a very deep look at myself. And so what then is one question I should have asked you that would have been great value to the audience.
John Peck 11:24
And one of the things I talk about as well is is mindset, but also talk about spirit set.
Al McBride 11:32
Yes, I did notice that, of course, in your bio, and it’s something I did want to ask. So I’m just with their spirit.
John Peck 11:41
Yeah. So I don’t believe that we’re, you know, a physical body having, I mean, I don’t believe that we’re this physical body having some kind of spiritual experience on from time to time, I believe that we’re a spiritual being having a physical experience. And whatever you call it, if you call it spirit, soul, or whether you call it plasma, doesn’t matter.
John Peck 12:07
There’s something going on inside us because we we are energy, we’re basically a massive energy. And science today is beginning to measure that energy that goes on in our neurons and in our brain. And putting that together with chemical analysis of how that affects the physical body.
John Peck 12:25
And it’s quite an interesting study to do. And so there’s just something that’s bigger than this bigger than us. There are laws around them. So I like talking about what I call universal laws, such as the law of reciprocity, everybody knows that.
John Peck 12:44
One is that when you’re giving, when you’re serving, when you’re giving more value than you’re getting, then it’s going to come back to you in unprecedented ways and unexpected ways. And so these are called universal laws or spiritual laws. And they’re, they’re all around us.
John Peck 13:04
And that’s part of the success, like what I was talking about, about remembering the future and then getting emotionally involved in it while I also lead people to begin to declare that, because we become what we think about, which is another universal law.
Al McBride 13:20
Right? They as a man thinketh.
John Peck 13:23
Exactly. The old classic.
Al McBride 13:26
Okay, yeah, as you said that the Spirit setting is, is fascinating stuff. I mean, I’m a fan of Joe dispenza’s work because he, you know, is is a neurologist and examining, has sat down to the neuron basis and down to the DNA of how you can change your DNA profile of what fires and what is downregulated to. Yeah, yeah,
John Peck 13:51
it’s actually really good work. Sorry, go ahead. Yeah, his work is absolutely brilliant.
Al McBride 13:57
It’s fabulous stuff. But as you said, it’s an idea of taking the mind and letting it lead us away from from biology is not biography necessarily.
John Peck 14:13
Exactly. Well, one of my team members in a group that we’re working with, because now we’re on with the team, now we’re starting to work with nonprofits to help them during the COVID days.
John Peck 14:23
So we help them to produce events to bring in funds, directly, no funds that are really needed. And so one of the one of my team members, she talked about the story of how that in the financial crisis, she lost everything she lost her business or revenue and, and she just started to sink down and down the down in our thoughts.
John Peck 14:45
It all started in her thoughts, but then it translated into a paralysis, paralysis type of disease in her joints and some type of our rightous I mean, she had to be carried to her car at times. And in her she saw the result being produced by mindset because she was sinking down into fears of remembering the past and then creating an irrational future in fear testing the
Al McBride 15:17
trauma Yeah,
John Peck 15:19
yeah. And so that affected her whole body and then then her the her remedy coming out of that was to change her mindset.
Al McBride 15:27
That’s where it starts. Yeah. No, it’s it’s remarkable stuff. I wish I could talk all day with you. And maybe we’ll have yes we better post fantastic stuff. Thank you very much, john. I’ll put that link beneath the YouTube video and beneath the the blog and the podcast and I strongly recommend for everyone to to check it out. As I said, that’s fantastic stuff. But x fantastic talking to you today. John, thank you so much.
John Peck 16:01
great talking to you to cheers
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
Complimentary Resources: Your Mindset Matters 2020 Work Book & Video
Connect with John Peck
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wealthinsidersnetwork/
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- TAGS: action, Bob Proctor, culture, decide, decision, emotions, hong kong, leadership, management, matters, mindset, nlp, procrastination, spiritset