Grow Your Authority And Scale Your Impact with Beate Chelette #068
Show Notes:
Beate Chelette is the Growth Architect and provides visionaries with clear steps to improve business systems to maximize profits and scale impact. A first-generation immigrant with $135,000 in debt single parent, Beate bootstrapped her passion for photography into a global business and sold it for millions to Bill Gates.
She hosts “The Business Growth Architect Show” and is in the “Top 100 Global Thought Leaders” and “One of 50 Must Follow Women Entrepreneurs” by HuffPost.
Topics explored:
- All offers under 1 umbrella: the Signature Growth System
- The unapologetic value proposition: Why would I hire you?
- This is the piece I solve, then the next and the next in a proprietary system
- How to differentiate yourself from the competition
- Easiest for people to say yes to the thing they identify with.
- The seasonal aspect of life and business
- Business is intricately connected to personal lives.
- Lone wolf syndrome
- The one guiding principle: Don’t drown in a puddle
- Overcoming adversity: you want to be dust and coal or a diamond?
- Realise that you don’t need to know everything
- Getting into the habit of humility and confidence
Al McBride 0:02
Welcome to the dealing with Goliath podcast. The mission of dealing with Goliath is to sharpen the psychological edge in negotiation, ethical influencing and high impact conversations for business leaders who want to be more effective under pressure, uncover hidden value, and build greater connection all while increasing profitability. This is the short form espresso shot of insight podcast interview to boost business performance using our five questions in around about 15 minutes format. My guest today is the artist shallots. Beata is the growth architect, and provides visionaries with clear steps to improve business systems to maximize profits and scale impact. a first generation immigrant with $135,000 in debt single parent, the latter bootstrapped her passion for photography into a global business and sold it for millions to Bill Gates. She hosts the business growth architect show and is in the top 100 global thought leaders. She was also called by HuffPost, one of the 50 most must follow women entrepreneurs, the art of Welcome to the show. fabulous to have you here.
Beate Chelette 1:18
Thank you so much for having me out. I’m excited to be here.
Al McBride 1:22
Excellent stuff. Well, let’s dive straight in. So who is your ideal client, and what’s the biggest challenge they tend to face.
Beate Chelette 1:29
So my clients, typically our coaches, consultants, experts, business owners, that have been added for a while that hit a plateau. And they do a number of different things that seemingly appear to be unrelated that take it takes them five minutes to explain what they do. So I help them to put all of what they offer under one umbrella. That is what we call the signature growth system. Design with them with what they already have their client transformation journey, help them to figure out what the pieces the slices of the journey are, how to offer them as workshop one on one masterminds, whatever that might be, so that they can go sell more to more people at different entry points.
Al McBride 2:18
Excellent. Excellent. And that was, there’s quite a lot going on there. Let’s just take a step back for a moment so that people can, people can maybe they can realize that they’re in there, they’re in that pre stage for you. So what are some of those, those common mistakes people make when they’re trying to solve their from sort of feeling stuck? And what are some of the things they try and do that don’t really work out, then you help them do all the fabulous things you just mentioned.
Beate Chelette 2:45
So the number one thing probably would be that they’re that they’re not selling enough, or that they’re afraid of selling, or they are feeling like they’re like they’re a snake oil salesman, or saleswoman pushing things on their clients, because they are, when they talk about it, they go, I offer this, I do this. And it just sounds like an egoistic love fest. So that would be number one, because that needs to be flipped over.
Because if you have a system or process, you talk about the process, then the process becomes the hero, you just happen to be the inventor of the proprietary system, but it’s really about the system and what the system doesn’t make every change in the world. Number two, they have a sincere desire to be an authority in their industry, and they do not have a differentiation factor. So they kind of sound like everybody else. And they don’t know why they are different. That is what we call the unapologetic value proposition where you have to be very clear on why would I hire you, and you got to be able to say that. So I would say these are probably the two biggest pieces people come to us for.
Al McBride 3:51
I love that, and I particularly love the authority piece. But also how you worked in writing there was the differentiation, because it’s something I always do with my clients, when it goes in that direction is, is what makes you different. Why should they work with you, particularly if you know you’re a lawyer or your content or something like this, usually entrepreneurs a lot more scope there, they should have that differentiation. So just to ask you on that I take it that you use you utilize that differentiation to help build and clarify that authority. Is that how you approach it or?
Beate Chelette 4:27
Absolutely So what are you the authority in? That is the number one question like you can’t be the authority and everything and I’m gonna give you an example. So everybody knows Gary Vee nobody knows what he’s the authority and he’s just an authority on everything he’s an authority on crypto is an authority on people he’s an authority on on cars is an authority on renewable energies are an authority on everything and you just look at it like dude, what’s your business model? Oh, that’s right.
He doesn’t have one. You know, his business model is the celebrity name. So you need to do Make a clear differentiation factor, what authority actually is an authority is, is being an expert in a defined category or a niche, or whatever you want to call it. Or it could be the expert, the authority in this signature growth system that we just talked about, you know, so so we, we don’t have a niche in that sense, our niche is the whole journey, because we help people that have spent a lot of money, you know, with a lot of out in the box kind of solutions that have 16 different things, spend a ton of money on it, nothing’s really working, we help them put it together, take all the pieces, put it under one umbrella, boom, there you go.
That’s our niche. So something much broader is our niche. So that is what we the expert in. And so people have to be very clear that authority does not mean you’re, you’re you trying to push things on people, right, that’s a bad salesman. authority means that you are clear about what it is that you do. So you can attract like a client magnet, the right people to you that want that clearly defined solution.
Al McBride 6:12
So it’s very much falling into that ideal of the inbound marketing. I think that’s, that’s often the Holy Grail, isn’t it, where people are seeking you out. And they seek you out, because you’re one of the few experts in this very niche field. Yeah, makes perfect sense makes perfect sense. To people struggle with that, because often with authority, it’s about cutting away, it’s about making a decision on what you’re going to say even if you’re expert in several things, it’s often your cutting away some of the other ways that you talk about yourself, is that often a stumbling block or a hurdle or less? So?
Beate Chelette 6:50
Yes, it is. Because what we what happens is that if you you know, like if you help people to negotiate, if you help people build a system around this, you help people do more than one thing. But you have to start somewhere. And so you want to make the thing that people are that it’s easiest for people to say yes to the thing that they identify with being their problem, most often, that ad has to become the hero. And oftentimes, business owners don’t want that because they can and then they say well, but I just worked with Jane and Jane wanted me to do that.
Oh, and John, John wanted me to do that. So I have a client for that I have a client for that, and a client for that, I cannot do that. And so the problem with that is, then you’re the master of nothing, because then you then you basically readjust your business every time somebody walks in the door. Rather what you do, you say this is the piece I solve. And then when when you are in this in this transformation journey, then the next phase needs to appear. So then your language is Congratulations, you are now finished with phase number two, we have accomplished this.
So now we’re moving into this next part where we are now starting to provide that next service that this person that we just solved, the first problem for is having next. So that’s a much better way, you know, again, this goes back down to the system is like if that’s part of the system, and you come to me out and you say, Well, what do you do? I said, Well, we do the client transformation journey, we have the system, if the strategy and we have the authority, then you may say I want the authority first. I don’t judge.
But I just told you there’s a system and a strategy. So you already already know that there are other pieces. So now as we building the authority, then I’ll say to you, Well, now that you have this plan for building the authority, what are the systems that you’re using to actually bring this to market? And what’s the strategy where you want to get to? And then you go, Oh, yeah, that’s when the system in the strata, you mentioned that. How does that work? So now you are in back in my orbit, and I longer client transformation journey. And so that’s what I want your listeners to really think about is like, Are you offering that in this kind of cohesive way?
Al McBride 9:10
I love the way you stack your skill set. So you’re not necessarily although you’re, as you said, making that decision to differentiate to say this is I’m this person that gets you this result in this situation. But you’re also then say okay, after that, then the next stage and the next stage and the next day, which makes perfect sense, because it’s rarely just one and done with your expertise. Is it so
Beate Chelette 9:34
no, I mean, come on. Let’s let’s let’s look at relationships, for example, or being a parent. You have to be a different parent to a baby than you are to a two year old than you are to a six year old than you are to or god forbid a 14 year old than you are to a 25 year old. So your skill set is constantly evolving. It’s not like you take a parenting class once after your child is born and boom, you’re Done. That would be nice. Or how about being in a relationship? All you have to do is get her or him to say yes, that’s it, you’re done? No, that’s when the work starts. That’s when you you know, do the relationship, the performance, the, you know, all these pieces to not blow up your personal life. So people have to really get very clear as Who do you want to be? I mean, if you, this is not School, where you graduate from high school, and then you don’t ever have to do a calculus, again, this is life. Calculus kind of never ends.
Al McBride 10:34
I love that as it’s halfway answering my next question, which is, what’s one valuable free action that the audience can implement that will help with that issue. And I love that perspective of its ongoing growth, its ongoing development. Is there anything else you’d add to that even just as a set, a perspective that the audience can take that will set them on the right trajectory?
Beate Chelette 10:57
I do. So in, you know, there’s a science in nature that regulates everything. So if it exists in nature, it exists in life, it if it exists in life, it must be true for us because we are part of this planet. So there’s only two ways this goes, it grows, or dies. Even if it grows like a tree, in a cold climate that loses all his leaves. It’s not that this tree is throwing a temper tantrum and saying, oh my god, I lost all my leaves. I’m such a loser. You know this? Yeah, never bloom again. The tree just shuts down. It does what it’s supposed to do.
And then it waits until spring comes and boom, there it is. And if it isn’t, it’s dying. So you have to stay in this consistent mindset of how actually nature operates, which is the renewal part, the rebirthing, the the seasonal aspect of life? Is this a time to hunker down and think about what am I going to do? Is this the time where I’m launching and trying new products? Is this where everything is in full bloom and is like full on, you know, we’re going hard is this fall is a time to now start to think about what last minute things our clients are needing?
Is it the quiet time? What can we do for our clients to help them through, you know, through the moments where it’s more family oriented? So I feel that people forget that, that business is very intricately connected to our personal lives, and that it’s regulated by, by by rules and laws of nature and the world and the universe, Spirit, God, whatever you want to call it. And then, and then it’s not just work. It’s how you show up in the world. I hope that answers your question. I feel like I went on a little tangent here.
Al McBride 12:44
It’s a great. Yes, I think you did. And it’s, it’s something that’s coming more and more to the fore is that, as you said, whenever you’re dealing with business people, it’s people in business, it’s, it’s the whole life. And that often, business problems star has the business person problems. So it’s a very interesting point. I love that about almost the description of the seasons. We don’t when we talk of businesses, we tend to think in in a very literal way. But I like you’re talking about expansion and contraction and the natural natural rhythms of these things. That’s outstanding. So what might be one valuable free resource that you can direct people to?
Beate Chelette 13:30
Yeah, so I would invite everybody who has listened to this, who says, well, I should check her out, go and schedule a 15 minute complimentary uncovering session, with one of our business growth advisors, we help people to figure out sort of, typically you know, where they’re stuck, if there’s a mismatch in the message, if there’s mismatch in the avatar, just helping them figure out what that next step should be for them to get their business to really grow. And you find that on recovery, session.com
Al McBride 14:01
recovery session.com. And of course, that’ll be listed beneath this, on the podcast, and on YouTube, and so on. It sounds like that’s a very clever process to really clarify where people are stuck. And just right from the session, I’d imagine an awful lot of people have an aha moment of, Oh, of course, this is what I need to do. This is where I need to put my focus. So it sounds very valuable.
Beate Chelette 14:26
Well, but a lot of people, I’ll just go and they say, I have what I call the lone wolf syndrome, where they figure they have to do everything on their own. So if they’re here on the podcast, and by the way, if you’re listening to this podcast, will you do us a favor? Go to wherever you pick up this podcast, give us Al five star review with a little note and subscribe and share this episode with one other person who needed to hear what we were talking about today.
And talking about the lone wolf, if somebody has already figured it out out, why don’t you rather pay them to help you instead of wasting all your time because you’re going to pay for it in time or money anyway. And time is becoming something that becomes more valuable the older you get. So take the shortcuts.
Al McBride 15:17
A friend of mine used to always say you always pay the tax one way or another, as you say, it’s either in time, or it’s in money, or in God help us your house or some other way you’re going to pay. So I choose how you’d like to pay. It’s a very good point. So what might be one question I should have asked you, there’ll be of great value to our audience.
Beate Chelette 15:39
Probably you should ask me around how I was able to overcome like 10 years of just brutal hardship and all this adversity. And how do you stay courageous in difficult times?
Al McBride 15:53
Absolutely. And did you have some guiding principles? was the one thing or were there many.
Beate Chelette 15:59
And the one guiding principle really is I will not drown in a puddle?
Al McBride 16:05
Interesting, can you explain that for us? Yeah.
Beate Chelette 16:08
So so a lot of times people go and say, Oh, my gosh, I’m such a failure, and, you know, $10,000 in debt, and I’ll never pay this back. I’m like, $10,000, it’s not even worth it. Or people go like, well, you know, it’s like, you know, whatever this happened to me, I’m like, that’s not even worth it. So, so before you throw a temper tantrum, and I’m just going to be really blunt about this about something happening. Think about it on whether that’s even big enough to fail. Because if you are, if you are crying over something, that is, if you want to have a multimillion dollar business, you don’t cry over $10,000 That’s just attrition, right?
That’s just that, that that was just a simple mistake I made, thank God, it was only $10,000. So you have to change your mindset, the further the further you go in, in your development and in business growth, and the higher the stakes will be. So if you drown, or if you decide to throw the towel, make sure it’s not a puddle, make sure it is big enough for you to have the justification to yourself.
But I will say this. That’s how diamonds are made under unbelievable pressure, because you have to do something that you would not normally do. Because the pressure is so intense, it forces you to alter and change your behavior that got you here in the first place. So you’re either going to be dust and coal, or you’re going to be a diamond you choose.
Al McBride 17:40
That is a fabulous statement. And literally Words To Live By. Absolutely. You said in one of your more recent articles, and I love this because it’s sort of drawing some of these strands together. You said you don’t need to know everything. That’s what your team is for. And I love that because it first of all, it’s what we’re talking about a minute ago, these people can do what you are not great at or very poor at. And they do it probably much better than you do, or at least they shouldn’t do most of the time. Can you just maybe elaborate on what what you were thinking what what your meaning is when you said that?
Beate Chelette 18:23
I think it does a develop is it’s an appreciation of your own value of your time. So I went I hired my virtual assistant in the Philippines. And then she said to me, did you did you go in the website yesterday? Why are you doing that? I’m like, Well, it’s my website. I can do whatever I want. And she’s like, seriously, you should not be doing that. And I’m like, That’s my what? She says you should not be doing that. I’m like, oh, okay, fine. I’m not doing that. Then. I just hired a sales team and appointment setter and a high ticket closer.
And they said to me, what you do doesn’t work? What? Well, that’s really not the way it’s not optimized. It’s not working the way it should be. Well, the proof is in the pudding. Are they right? Or am I right? Or am I attached to something that I did the best I could with what I know. And now I’m hiring a subject matter expert to help me to break through that and they telling me everything that I want to hear. Oh, that’s right. That’s the reason why it didn’t work. Because I’m believing in something that is not my subject matter expertise.
So So I think that as we grow as business owners, we have to get into the habit of saying I just need to know enough to know if they’re doing a good job. And to see what the example like when we talk about sales. Their language is a little bit internet marketing ish, because that’s their background. So I have to make sure that the language that we’re using is aligned with my profession. tional language because we are going after different kinds of clientele. We don’t, we don’t, you know, given the product that we offer, but other than that they’re clearly better than I am at this. So I need to let them do their thing that I hired them for.
Al McBride 20:18
Is wonderful element of humility there as well. Having that confidence and the ability to say, Yeah, okay, you know, yes, I’m good at this. But I’m not great at this because this person is great at this. So you hand over control, is that I presume that’s another great challenge that you work with people that because an awful lot of people have to wear so many hats, and they get used to that they get you but it’s somewhat empowering as well thinking I do all of these different tasks in my business.
Beate Chelette 20:53
It’s the definition of scaling out is that is the definition of scaling. If you are okay with making 100 150, that’s fine. I don’t have any problem with that. But if you want more, you’re gonna have to scale. That’s just the way it is. I’ve seen people avoiding scaling up to a million dollars. And that is burnout formula. When you don’t have a life when you don’t have time for a relationship. It’s absolutely brutal. But most of the time, the quicker you are able to scale or to put systems and processes in place, so you can scale up, the faster you’re going to be making money. And the less you have to work.
Al McBride 21:27
Excellent. Excellent. Well, on that note, I’ll just ask Where can people follow up with you? We mentioned earlier, the excellent row Business Growth architect show, podcast, which is outstanding. And where else can people reach out to you I know you’re on Beata Chelette.com. And people can look at all the goodies on the website there.
Beate Chelette 21:53
Exactly. We have lots of goodies. Yeah, and just reach out on social media DM me connect on LinkedIn say hello. Just make sure you mention the show so that we know. We know I’ll send you so we can say hello and connect with you. But yeah, I mean, I’m I’m either sbrt lead or growth architect. I don’t think there’s anybody with my name not that I’ve encountered them.
So if there are there have a hidden talent somewhere. But if you type in my name, I should come up and just reach out on your favorite social media platform and say hello and tell us you know what you’ve taken away from the show so we know how we can serve you.
Al McBride 22:31
Outstanding. A great talking to you today.
Beate Chelette 22:35
Thank you so much for having me. Thank you
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
Beate’s Book on Amazon: Happy Woman Happy World: The Foolproof Fix to to Get from Overwhelmed to Awesome by Beate Chelette
Beate’s Groups: The Women’s Code – www.linkedin.com/groups/4662816
Entrepreneur and Small Business Forum – www.CreativesWhoShare.com
Beate’s Podcast: The Business Growth Architect Show
Beate’s Blog: https://beatechelette.com/blog/
Complimentary 15 Minute Uncovery Session, to figure out where you’re stuck: UncoverySession.com
Connect with Beate Chelette
Beate Chelette’s Website: https://beatechelette.com/
Reach out on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beatechelette/
Follow Beate on Twitter: https://twitter.com/beatechelette
Growth Architect on Facebook
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